We leave in 2 days to travel around the world. Many years we have been dreaming, four years we have been imagining, six months we have been planning, and now, in less than 48 hours we will be taking off towards our first destination...In 2016, the Durham's will circumnavigate the globe!
The seed for this trip has been growing inside my head and my heart since I passed on an opportunity to travel between college graduation and taking my first job. Years later, when Todd and I had our very first date, that night we talked for hours over dinner at the old Taverna Nikos in Brightleaft Square, we talked about travel, we talked about adventures, we talked about art, culture, beauty, poverty, we talked about food and we talked about the world.
Fast-forward 14 years, and tonight we pack (and unpack) bags (do I really need to bring this?), scan documents, add and cross things off our lists and keep checking AirBnB for that perfect place in Munich that is close to everything and doesn't cost a fortune. We try to sleep each night through the to-dos running through our heads. We broke down 2 days ago and bought a new bag of coffee at the Starbucks because whatever we had in the pantry was no longer cutting it. Tomorrow, we send Josh to school for the last morning in a long while. He said his classroom is having a special day, for his last day. Extra recess, dance party and everyone gets to wear Josh's favorite color ("blue"). We're down to a few remaining turkey dogs in the fridge, some random beers that have been passed over many times, and a bunch of bulk nuts from Costco in the pantry. Yep, we're getting ready to go on walkabout. We hope you will join us as we post pics and tales from our journey. First stop, Europe.